Hair must be in a bun with bobby pins for all Ballet Classes.
Hair must be out of face with ponytail for Jazz, Tap & Modern.
No bulky jewelry should be worn in class to ensure safety.
Topaz Ballet, Opal Ballet & Littles Jazz/Tap.
Any colored leotard and tights, pink full-sole canvas or leather ballet shoes.
Jazz/Tap - Bare feet for toddler Jazz, black tap shoes for Tap. Leotard, shorts or skirt, tan convertible tights OR no tights at all (bring socks if you dont wear tights).
Black leotard or color of the classes gem name (ruby - red), Leotard only *NO SKIRTS ATTACHED
pink convertible tights, pink canvas split-sole ballet shoes. Canvas or Leather. HAIR MUST BE IN A BUN
Any colored leotard, tan convertible tights, shorts optional, black jazz shoes. Hair up.
Any colored leotard, pink, black or tan convertible tights, shorts optional, black tap shoes. Hair up.
Fitted top (no crop tops), bottoms need to cover to ankles, socks. Hair up.
Fitted top, fitted bottoms, bare feet. Hair up. *No loose clothes for safety
Hip hop
Loose clothing, bare feet or socks with grips on the bottom.
Ballet- Any colored fitted short sleeve top, black leggings, black split sole ballet shoes.
Jazz- fitted top, jazz pants, with black jazz shoes.
Tap- fitted top, black leggings, tap shoes.
Modern - same as above
Hip hop - same as above